An account that offers the best of both worlds – It is a current account with the flexibility of savings account features. This account is a non-borrowing account with zero COT charge if the minimum balance is maintained.
Opening & minimum balance of N250,000
ATM cards
Zero COT charges of minimum balance is maintained
Customized cheque books
Account Opening Checklist
One recent passport photograph (with full face forward) of each signatory
Duly completed and signed mandate card
Utility bill issued within the last three months
Valid identification for each signatory (international passport, driver’s license, national I.D.)
Valid resident permits
(foreigners only)
Marriage Certificate
Two references
Additional Requirements for Corporate/Incorporated Bodies
Certificate of registration/incorporation
Form C07, C02 (particulars of
Directors’ Certified memorandum & Articles of Association
Partnership deed
Board Resolution
Meeting extract/minutes
Constitution/Bye-laws/Rules & regulations/Enabling act/decree
Letter of authorizing officer/Power of attorney
Trust deed
Letter of administration